Getting a massage is a fantastic way to relieve stress, and it’s something most of us could definitely benefit from during the pandemic. Along with relieving tension, massages can help with a number of injuries and health issues for seniors. In order to fully relax before your massage therapy, consider a supplement like CBD […]
Do you Trust Your Body?
Feeling versus Thinking When I place my hands on a client or patient, I don’t necessarily know what their body needs. I can come up with plenty of hypotheses. I can do special tests, and postural analysis, and think critically about their symptoms. But when I place my hands on a client’s body, I listen […]
Bodywork and Emotions: Mind/Body Connection
Emotions During Bodywork As a physical and massage therapist, I frequently see the mind/body connection in action. Many people, when you find that right spot, have emotions, memories, and intuitions come up for them. They report a significant increased awareness and growth from these experiences. Frequently, they report, “I didn’t know I was carrying […]
Foam Rolling is Not Myofascial Release
Foam Rolling versus Myofascial Release One of the biggest challenges of my job involves explaining to people what I do. I have a massage license and a physical therapy license. Most people know what a massage therapist and a physical therapist do. However, when I say I perform myofascial release, most people look at me […]
Fractals and Physical Therapy
What is a fractal?: a math equation. And what does a math equation have to do with your body? It turns out, fractals create almost every aspect of your body. Fractals create patterns that exist throughout nature. This Romanesco broccoli has the same pattern in it if you zoom in as when you zoom […]